Maybe many of us are always imagining, if 'greenness' it must relate to the forests. Pardon me. See at the areas of water such as, lakes. There is also the 'greenness'. We ought to maintain it. To me, the 'greenness' is something placatory. It makes the surroundings feel fresh and comfortable. Thankfulness.
Lotus is one of the species of freshwater plants. The Lotus flowers appeared in legends originating from an ancient of Egypt. Some people told, Lotus derived from India and Indonesia. This plant is usually capable to live in fresh and fertile in temperature does not exceed 20ÂșCelsius. If warm of sun is very hot, it can be causing the plant was stunted and withered. In Malaysia Peninsular, it may be found growing in the wild and neglected areas such in abandoned swamps, lakes and mine marshes. It can also be creating beauty in the garden of houses. To me, it looks beautiful. It can reach the height up to 6 meters, depended to the depth of marshes inhabited. The roots of Lotus are in the bottom of the marsh, while leaves and flowers are above of a water surface. The small and long stems support the leaves and flowers of it. Only partly of the stems can be seen on the surface of water, that is, no supported by water. It depends the type of Lotus.
Lotus flowers are found in various colors which normally found from red color and red-pale color to white color. The flowers would be opening bloom at about 9 o'clock morning. They would eternal from one to two days before petals falling down one by one. This plant yielded fruits. When the petals of a flower have fallen, it would highlight the fruit. The petals-stalk becomes fruit. It fruits are shaped cones-like and have seeds seemed nuts-like. The lotus spread through the seeds which scattered seeds via the fruits, that is, when the fruits bent to the surface of water.
Someone said, "it flowers, seeds and leaves are edible. The petals can be inserted into the soup or be used as garnish dishes". In terms of medical, someone told that juice of it leaves was used for treating diarrhea and hemorrhoids. It seeds can be used to treat fever and insomnia because the substances might soothe. Teratai means 'Lotus'.
About painting see below.
genre: wildlife vegetation
title: teratai #2
medium: oil painting on canvas
size: 91cm x 122cm
year: 2009
price: myr 10,000.00
medium: oil painting on canvas
size: 91cm x 122cm
year: 2009
price: myr 10,000.00